Your Relationship With Text Messaging

Your Relationship With Text Messaging

By Steve Pavlina

How would you rate(rāt) your current relationship with texting on a scale(skāl) of 1 to 10?

A 1 means you really need to improve how you use this tool. A 10 means you’re using the tool in a way that works very well for you, and other people who text you understand and respect your boundaries.

I feel that I have a healthy relationship with text messaging. It’s generally not a distraction, I use it effectively(əˈfektəvlē), and my approach works well for me. Boundary issues are uncommon and easily fixed.

So let me share some tips regarding(rəˈɡärdiNG) how I use it. See if any of this helps you reassess(ˌrēəˈses) your own relationship with texting.

Define your desired relationship with texting in advance. Instead of addressing issues only in a reactive bottom-up matter, get clear about the role you want this tool to play in your life. What are the justifiable(ˈjəstəˌfīəb(ə)l) and intelligent use cases for it? What uses would be distracting and should be considered out of bounds? I encourage you to write up your own personal list of do’s and don’ts for the tool.

Keep your phone outside of your workspace. If your phone is your primary(ˈprīˌmerē) texting device, and if your work doesn’t primarily involve texting, leave your phone elsewhere while working. I leave mine in the kitchen while I work in my home office.
Respond on your schedule. If you always respond to people immediately when they text you, you’ll train them to expect that. If this works for you, great. But if not, just respond when it’s convenient(kənˈvēnyənt). I often don’t reply to texts for a day or two.

How is your current relationship with text messaging working for you? This type of tool will probably be around for many more years, so it’s wise to make this a healthy and positive relationship. When this relationship isn’t working well, it becomes an added source of stress. When this relationship is working well, it can add meaningful value and connection to your life.