What my children have taught me about Hanukkah

What my children have taught me about Hanukkah(ˈhänəkə)

By Bella Hazzan

Hanukkah in the middle of a pandemic shut down is certainly different. My gifts for the grandchildren are at my children’s homes. Brought there by different delivery(dəˈliv(ə)rē) services; wrapped by others and hidden away and waiting for them to be given after the candles are lit. This year there won’t be any celebration at my home, and the house feels so empty and quiet.

This year as the holiday approached I felt myself feeling sad like a dark cloud was over my head. How would we have any kind of family celebration? Given how I was raised(rāzd), my sadness, my reaction, made no sense(sens) to me.

Growing up I don’t remember my parents ever celebrating Hanukkah. I do remember the Christmas tree. I remember the gifts under the tree, and sitting in front of the tree in the dark, watching the lights on the tree go on and off. So, I’ve often wondered where my commitment to observing the Jewish(ˈjo͞oiSH) holidays with my children came from, as that was not a part of my childhood. I’ve always had a strong desire to teach my children about their Jewish heritage(ˈherədij) and our traditions(trəˈdiSH(ə)n).
