Ass-Kicking Frames

Ass-Kicking(asˈkikiNG) Frames

By Steve Pavlina

Here’s a really simple idea that can be useful for self-motivation(ˌmōdəˈvāSH(ə)n).

Sometimes our frames are too flabby(ˈflabē), giving us lots of leeway(ˈlēˌwā) to drop the ball and slack(slak) off. In such cases it may be useful to adopt(əˈdäpt) harsher(härSH) frames, at least temporarily(ˈtempəˌrerəlē), to demand more from ourselves.

Here are some of these ass-kicking frames to consider:

Worrying = dumb(dəm)
Quitting(kwit) = dishonorable(disˈänərəb(ə)l)
Sleeping past 5am = loser
Not asking for the date = spineless(ˈspīnləs)
Clinging(ˈkliNGiNG) to a partial(ˈpärSHəl) match(maCH) = creepy(ˈkrēpē)
Tolerating(ˈtäləˌrāt) Trump supporters = suffering fools

I think such frames are best when linked closely to actions and behaviors, not to more complex results like income. They can be helpful when facing quick do or don’t decisions, like: Get up now, or sleep in late.

Imagine your alarm(əˈlärm) going off in the morning, and you’re tempted to sleep in. Then an inner voice kicks(kik) in and exclaims(ikˈsklām): Sleeping in is for losers! Get your ass up now!

Or suppose you catch yourself worrying about something you can’t control, and you remind yourself: Worrying is a stupid waste(wāst) of energy!

While I’m not suggesting that you beat yourself up here, I do think there’s room for using such frames judiciously(jo͞oˈdiSHəslē) without risking damage to your self-esteem(əˈstēm).

Challenging yourself in this way can actually be fun and motivating. I know it’s not for everyone, but for some people it helps. It’s a tool – use it if you like it. Try it if you think it has promise(ˈpräməs).