Fun Is a Personal Standard

Fun Is a Personal Standard

By Steve Pavlina

Whatever you’re currently doing to earn money, is it fun for you?

Would you still enjoy your income-generating activities even if they paid half as much?

Still fun with less pay? Or does the fun depend on the money?

Earning money can be fun. Spending money can be fun too.

But what if earning money isn’t fun? Then to earn more, you have to push yourself to do even more work that isn’t fun. Your reward is very mixed then – more money perhaps but also less fun. That creates a drag that will likely cause your income – and your ambition(amˈbiSH(ə)n) – to stagnate(ˈstaɡˌnāt).

A lot of the world’s offers for income generation aren’t particularly fun. In fact, many of them seriously suck. Do this boring-as-hell work for a paycheck. That’s a crappy(ˈkrapē) ass(as) offer. Who’d be desperate(ˈdesp(ə)rət) enough to say yes to that? Lots of people apparently since most people don’t like their jobs – don’t become one of them.

You don’t have to accept a crappy ass offer that isn’t fun. You can either keep looking till you find a fun and inspiring offer, or better yet, create your own offer.

Safe Isn’t Fun

To bring some fun into this picture, I think it helps to choose income generation strategies that challenge you to grow. If you make it too easy, you’ll be bored.

A fun game is at least semi(ˈsemī)-challenging. Challenge alone won’t make the experience fun, but it will surely help.

Many people look to their past hobbies and strengths for income ideas. That tends to be a relatively weak approach that can easily lead to boredom. What if instead you develop income ideas based around what you’d like to explore and experience? Why rehash the past that you’ve already explored when you could lean into something new and adventurous?

What new challenges fascinate(ˈfasəˌnāt) you? What seems a bit out of reach?